324, 324A, 325, 325A, 326 to 348 Omitted by companies (Amendment) Act, 2000
349 Determination of net profits
350 Ascertainment of depreciation
351 to 354 Omitted by companies (Amendment) Act, 2000
355 Saving
356 to 369 Omitted by companies (Amendment) Act, 2000
370 Loans, etc., to companies under the same management
370A Provisions as to certain loans which could not have been made if sections 369 and 370 were in force
371 Penalty for contravention of section 370 or 370A
372 Purchase by company of shares, etc., of other companies
372A Inter-corporate loans and investments
373 Investments made before commencement of Act
374 Penalty for contravention of section 372 or 373
375 Managing agent not to engage in business competing with business of managed company
376 Condition prohibiting reconstruction or amalgamation of company
377 Restrictions on right of managing agent to appoint directors